Losing weight can often feel like an uphill battle. With many different diets and exercise programs to choose from, you might even find yourself cycling through many popular fads or quick fixes. Unfortunately, these often lead to the dreaded yo-yo dieting — where you lose the weight and then put it all back on again. It’s like a rollercoaster that never ends.
However, with a few small habit changes, you can lose weight in a healthy way — and sustain it. So, what are we talking about here? What should you know? Keep reading to find out.
Yes, going to the gym and eating healthy matters. But if you don’t work on your mindset, too, it’s likely you’ll be stuck on that weight loss-gain rollercoaster.
So, what does mindset mean exactly? Well, according to Harvard University, a successful weight loss mindset means believing in yourself and believing that you can lose weight and sustain it. The other side is your self-worth; you have to believe you deserve it and are worth it.
Thus, working on your confidence can eventually help you develop healthy habits that lead to sustainable weight loss. You could try positive daily affirmations, or if you feel you need a helping hand, a mental health professional can always help you sort through what’s holding you back.
Recent 2021 research shows that changing behaviours frequently comes down to setting realistic expectations. Sustainable weight loss takes time. It involves permanent lifestyle changes and habits that inevitably will take time to get right.
It’s also considered healthier to lose about half a pound to one pound per week rather than resorting to any extreme weight loss protocol. This allows your body time to adjust and won’t cause excessive amounts of stress, leading to cravings or fatigue (which can often throw a wrench into your weight loss plans).
Striving for perfection is a surefire way toward failure. Instead, aim to stay on track 80% of the time. After all, life is meant to be enjoyed. Have that piece of cake at your daughter’s graduation or wedding. The key is to be consistent 80% of the time with your diet and exercise regime. So, sure, it’s okay to skip a workout when sick or due to important events but make sure not to make it a regular thing.
Lifting weights can help change your body composition over time. And the more muscle you have, the more energy you burn — meaning it’s easier to keep the weight off.
Weight training also doesn’t mean spending hours upon hours at the gym each week. Instead, you can do 3-4 45-60 minute sessions, which give you so much more in the long-term than cardio alone ever will.
A really easy and quick habit to adopt is walking. Walk when you can. This might mean walking up the stairs, walking to the store, walking while listening to podcasts or music, or walking on your lunch break. These small strides make for big changes.
Ideally, we want half our plate to be filled with veggies and legumes. You’ll always want a burst of colour at every meal; veggies and fruits are satiating but also high in nutrients and low in calories. This is perfect for those wanting to lose weight but sustain good health in the process.
And to fill in the gaps in your diet, consider Life Nutrition supplements. If you find it tough to get enough calcium, probiotics, or other nutrients, supplements can act as your insurance policy, preventing cravings and supporting your health and weight loss journey.